For better understanding of the developments in the FinTech ecosystem with an objective to appropriately support the sector, it is proposed to set-up a Repository for capturing essential information about FinTechs, encompassing their activities, products, technology stack, financial information etc.

To ensure a resilient FinTech sector and promote best practices, regulators and stakeholders need to have relevant and timely information on FinTech entities, including the nature of their activities. Today, FinTechs are using emerging technologies like Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI / ML), and so on. For better understanding of the developments in the FinTech ecosystem with an objective to appropriately support the sector, it is proposed to set-up a Repository for capturing essential information about FinTechs, encompassing their activities, products, technology stack, financial information etc. FinTechs would be encouraged to provide relevant information voluntarily to the Repository which will aid in designing appropriate policy approaches. The Repository will be operationalised by the Reserve Bank Innovation Hub in April 2024 or earlier. Necessary guidelines for this will be issued separately.
To read the originally published article
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